I know this is a little late, better late than never. (It is VBS week I will probably be late all week) Saturday night we got a chance to go the zoo for a special event for Northside babies. (all babies that were born at Northside Hospital) This was a great night, the kids LOVE going to the zoo, Savannah was the only one who remembers this zoo though. The kids got their faces painted, got snow cones(which BTWcan not compare to sno balls), and got a chance to ride the train, plus see all the animals. The kids thought is was very cool to see Timone(merecat), Pumba(warthog) and Simba(well you know, lion) all in a row. Savannah's favorite I think was the Panda, Jasper, of course loved the monkeys and Taelynn was so excited about the elephants.

Daddy and his girls

Momma and her babies!

The kids loved all the statues throughout the zoo and had to take a pix with just about everyone.

At the end of the night everyone was hungry so when this close to Varsity you can not pass it up. Although my little ones were tuckered out!!
How cute - what was with Savannah's lips though - did she have them painted? Can't be a snowball???Bubble Gum??? Boy can you see "the littleones" were tuckered out - not my Savannah, look at her!! Jeannette I can really see your tan in the picture... You all look wonderful. Glad it was so much fun - was it as much fun as having all those babies at Northside??? Love you. Mom
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