Saturday, April 26, 2008

Busy Day at the Cook Household.

Last night went fine. Just to let you know GNO was a hit with the girls! Everyone had a good nights sleep.

Today was an awesome day. Our very good friends Laura and Brent came over and we had a picnic at our park, the kids love when they come over because all "Uncle Brent" does is tickle and play. Then we got a phone call and was blessed with tickets to go see Lion King. (yea!!!) I have wanted to see this for years. It was soooo good. The kids did very good too, considering it was nap time. They all got souvenirs, and fell asleep in the car.

Of course the weekend would not be complete without a trip to Walmart. John and I needed a few things for the beach next weekend. The girls were not too happy to go shopping, so we had to take them to Mexican to make up for it. Now everyone is tucked with thier Zazus and Pumbas for the night. Be back soon!

Friday, April 25, 2008

More from GNO


We have had a GREAT night tonight, it was GNO with NiNi and Grace. We did make up and nails, you will see in the pix. They all have sleeping bags on Savannah's floor with matching pillow cases. (2 cute) Kudos to Auntie for that one. Savannah was a big help to NiNi and I with the kids tonight, thank you Savannah. We will get back to you in the AM to tell you how the night goes. For now it is game time with Savannah. Good night!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

PJ day Jasper's school

Today was fun, Taelynn and I went and spent the morning with Jasper at her school. She had campfire PJ day today, they had smores and sang the veggie tales smore song. All the kids looked soooo.. cute in their PJ's. Of course little sister had to wear PJ's also, she thoght she was just one of the gang. (2 cute)I will try and post some pix.(hopefully I will get the hang of this blog page soon.)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Big night at church

We went to church tonight for the big opening of the Warehouse. It is the new building at FBCW for our middle schoolers and high schoolers. WOW!!!!! This building is sooo... cool! These kids are going to have tons of fun. Tonight they had hamburgers and hot dogs and lots of fun stuff for the kids, my kids had a lot of fun. They were flat wore out. Savannah tried the rock climbing wall tonight but it was harder than she thought. Savannah I am proud of you for trying something that you were unsure about!! Go girl! Tomorrow is the CRCT testing so we will be praying for Savannah thru the week that she can stay focused. Not much else to post right now, see ya later!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Just another Saturday

I guess I'm doing this right, this is my first time blogging. I have no idea what to type or tell anyone, we have kinda boring days. I could tell you about our day today. Here it goes, John started our day (as always on Sats) with a great breakfast. Soon after that we got the girls dressed to go to Gavin's (my nephew) T-ball game. He did GREAT!!! My girls were more interested in the local catepillars and building them a rock wall. Anyway we had a fun morning and now it's nap time. So, there is no more to report today maybe I'll get back later.