Our Daddy is sooooo.... GREAT! I was out with Savannah and Jasper last night for their swim lesson and John was at home with Taelynn, this is what him and Taelynn played with while we were gone. How cool, the girls will not let me take it down!
My girls were so cute this morning they played so good together. While waiting on me to get ready for the pool they hung out in Jasper's room just like this for the whole Beauty and the Beast movie. (this NEVER happens)
One of my oldest friends came over today to hang out at our pool. My friend Karen brought her little boy Ty and her soon to be step daughter Meggie. This is Meggie with Taelynn she had so much fun with her in the water. I love catching up with old friends, we had a great time seeing each other again. It was nice to meet Meggie and I can't wait to meet the rest of the family. Karen, I am so happy to see you so happy !!! I love ya girl!
Meggie was awesome with the kids and they would not leave her alone. Jasper was thrilled to have Ty over at our pool. He is getting so big and he can swim like a fish, I mean sooo... good.
Here is Savannah and her friend Sara she has gotten to know at the pool. It was good to see her at the pool today, she spent the night there last night and again tonight . Savannah is having a fantastic summer so far, and there is more to come. I am so happy for her, we have VBS next week and I am bringing two of her friends with us all week. It would not be the same if I did not have extra kids.