Look at my girls, today was the first day of Pre-K. Jasper is a returning student but Taelynn is a first timer. Let me tell you, she is sooooo... big! She got out in carpool line held the tears back, gave me a big hug and kiss, and did not look back. When I picked her up she said she cried a little but had a fun time.

Jasper had a new T-shirt from her teacher to wear today, she was excited to wear it, too. She is in Mrs. Kings' lamb class. The little lamb on her shirt actually had her name on it.

Taelynn woke up and said "Yea, I get to wear my favorite dress" How cute!
Very big day today for them and me, I cried when my baby got out of our van. I just couldn't believe she is soo.... big!
On the other hand, I was kid free for most of the day!!!! :) I did start walking today which is something I plan on doing everyday when I drop both of them off. Pray for me that I stick to this. I really need this!
It is now time for homework and dinner so I'll post more later.
oh, such sweet moments. sweet yet bittersweet. soooo cute! and, yeah, your pictures are all 'dolled' up! :)
How precious!! Well you have entered into a new chapter in the book I should write!! God bless this time and Praise Him for your appreciation and enjoyment of it. I'll bet Taelynn's teachers will have a blast with her - always has something to say!! How sweet of Jasper's teacher - special heart. How's my Savannah doing? Is she still enjoying her classes?
Okay....PLEASE help me get through tomorrow........PLEASE!!!!!
Girl, I just got your message. You are soooooo sweet to have thought about me today. Thank you so much. I did....okay.....not GREAT, but okay. I'm sure it will get better. If I don't talk to you before, I will see you Saturday!! I can't wait to see you guys!!!
Jasper I love your T-shirt with the lamb on it. Have fun in school. Love Auntie
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