My girls have the best Daddy in the world. This morning my girls woke up to have donuts for breakfast, because their AWESOME Daddy got up extra early and drove to dunkin donuts for them. Not to mention that we are spoiled just about 2 to 3 times a week with a surprise breakfast. We couldn't have it any better!

Well, this evening I have been, shall we say, attached to the computer and most daddy's would not like that to much when you have 4 kids running around the house and not in bed. My man on the other hand takes all of them outside to collect sticks "treasures" as the little ones call them, then while the big kids, Savannah and her new friend Kasey, finish their project upstairs John decides to be crafty. Jasper and Taelynn are loving this, glue, sticks, construction paper, and sprinkles(mommy was out of glitter). Now how awesome is he?!!!! Seriously, he is the BEST DADDY ever! I truly love him, and love the way he loves our girls.

how awesome!! i love your blog!!
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