Saturday, May 24, 2008


My girls have been looking forward to this day all week!
Taelynn stays in the little pool most of her time.
Our future UGA cheerleader!
A little too much fun at the pool (this just lasted a second) still to be had!
This is what Savannah does the whole time we are at the pool.

Today was a lot of fun!!!! We got lunch and brought it to the pool and stayed until the little ones NEEDED a nap (Jasper of course did not sleep, too big) Anyway Savannah did not want to go home, her bff Amber was with us and her parents had gotten there right as John was packing up the girls. So I stayed with Savannah for another hour or so.(probably not a good idea John also took the sunscreen and Savannah got a little sunburn.) When everyone got all cleaned up we took the girls to a movie, as Jasper says "movie feater". We saw the new Narnia movie, it was good! The girls loved it. Well, after the movie we finished the night at Jim Bobs, good as always, thanks Benny!

I am sooo sleepy I going to bed, GOOD NIGHT!!


Susta said...

I love Savannah's swim suit!!! Jeannette, there really isn't anything as special as a family full of girls - that picture is so cute of the three of them. God has blessed us! Nothing like a big strong Daddy either - you rock John! I can just see JAsper trying to sleep at the pool - her idea I'm sure - that way she doesn't have to leave and miss all the fun. Taelynn's pool looks just right for her, comfortable. I'll check in later. God bless. Susta